1. Identify the statement that is a verifiable fact.

A. Teenagers seem to prefer texting to talking when it comes to cell phone use.
B. Lifeguarding is one of the easiest and most lucrative summer jobs for teenagers.
C. The number of teenagers who own and use smart phones is increasing every year.*****
D. It's a good idea for most teens to avoid working while they are still attending high school.

2. Identify the pronoun that agrees with the verb in the sentence.

Lifeguards who guard the pool do ____ best to ensure the safety of swimmers.
A. our
B. they're
C. their*****
D. his or her

My answers: #1 is C and #2 is C
Please help correct me if I'm wrong

Yes, both are right.

Actually, your answers are correct!

1. The statement that is a verifiable fact is C. The number of teenagers who own and use smartphones is increasing every year. This statement can be supported by data and statistics.

2. The pronoun that agrees with the verb in the sentence is C. "Lifeguards who guard the pool do their best to ensure the safety of swimmers." The plural pronoun "their" matches with the plural noun "lifeguards."

Well done! Keep up the good work! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Your answer for #1 is correct. Statement C is a verifiable fact because it can be supported or disproven by evidence.

However, your answer for #2 is incorrect. The pronoun that agrees with the plural verb "do" is "their" (option C). The correct sentence would be: "Lifeguards who guard the pool do their best to ensure the safety of swimmers."

Your answers are correct!

1. C. The statement "The number of teenagers who own and use smartphones is increasing every year" is a verifiable fact because it can be supported with data and evidence.
2. C. The pronoun "their" agrees with the plural noun "lifeguards."