Elizabeth has two identical number cubes. Both cubes have faces numbered 1 through 6. If Elizabeth rolls each cube once, what is the probability that the sum of the two numbers on the top faces will be 10?


I Think Its B. Am I Correct?


Two identical number cubes are show below. The side measures 5 mm. What is the combined volume of the two numbered cubes?

and i don't know how to solve it.

its 1/12

To solve this problem, we need to first count how many possible outcomes there are when rolling the two dice.

Each die has 6 possible outcomes, so the total number of possible outcomes when rolling both dice is 6 x 6 = 36.

Next, we need to count how many of those outcomes result in the sum of the two numbers being 10.

We can do this by listing out all of the possible pairs of numbers that add up to 10:

- 4 and 6
- 5 and 5
- 6 and 4

So there are 3 possible outcomes that result in a sum of 10.

Therefore, the probability of rolling a sum of 10 is 3/36, which simplifies to 1/12.

To find the total number of choices for one car, we need to multiply the number of choices for each category (model, color, and size) together.

Since there are 4 models, 3 colors, and 2 sizes, the total number of choices is:

4 x 3 x 2 = 24

Therefore, there are 24 choices for one car.

The answer is (d) 24.

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can you please solve Elizabeth has two identical number cubes. Both cubes have faces numbered 1 through 6. If Elizabeth rolls each cube once, what is the probability that the sum of the two numbers on the top faces will be 10? ? how do i solve this

thank you

You're welcome! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.