a number cube is rolled 150 times. the number 3 comes up 43 times. hat is the experimental probability of rolling a 3? what is the theoretical probability of rolling a 3?

A. 43/150 ; 1/6

B. 43/150 ; 1/50 ••

C. 1/6 ; 43/150

D. 3/43 ; 1/6

Disagree. There are only 6 sides of a cube.

To find the experimental probability of rolling a 3, we need to divide the number of times the number 3 comes up (43 times) by the total number of rolls (150 times). So, the experimental probability is 43/150.

To determine the theoretical probability of rolling a 3, we need to understand that the number cube has six sides, numbered 1 through 6, with each side equally likely to land facing up. Since only one of the sides has the number 3, the probability of rolling a 3 is 1 out of 6, or 1/6.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 43/150 for the experimental probability and 1/6 for the theoretical probability.