Which is the best example of frictional unemployment?

A plumbers contract with an apartment building ending

College graduates looking for their jobs after their intenships

Workers being laid off during a period of recession <-----

A company moving to another state, leaving its workforce without job


Lesson 8: unemployment and inflation

1. D- an auto mechanic

2. B- College graduates looking for their first jobs after their internships.

3. A,D - if you were people pay income taxes, and less money is spent on investments.

4. A -people are able to buy few were goods and services.

5. B - it has gotten much better

Wouldn't it be B since frictional unemployment means the unemployment which exists in any economy due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another.

Yes, B.

6/6 thanks Lilli

You are welcome, happy to help!

The best example of frictional unemployment is workers being laid off during a period of recession.

To determine the answer, we must understand what frictional unemployment is. Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals are temporarily out of work because of the time and effort required to find a suitable job that matches their skills and preferences.

In this case, during a period of recession, companies often face financial difficulties and reduce their workforce by laying off workers. These workers become temporarily unemployed due to the lack of job opportunities available. The period of recession creates a higher level of friction in the labor market, resulting in workers having difficulty finding new jobs quickly.

Therefore, the best example of frictional unemployment is workers being laid off during a period of recession.
