Electric charges that are different?

1)attract each other
2)repel each other
3)exist in pairs
4)do not interact

I think #1


Isn't 3 true also? For every + pole there is a - pole and the problem says "different:.

You're close! The correct answer is #2: electric charges that are different repel each other.

To understand why this is the case, we need to know a little bit about electric charges. Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter, and there are two types: positive and negative charges. Like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract each other.

To determine which option is correct, we can use the fundamental principle of electric charges. When two charges have different signs (one positive and one negative), they will exert attractive forces on each other, pulling them closer together. On the other hand, when two charges have the same sign (both positive or both negative), they will exert repulsive forces on each other, pushing them apart.

In this scenario, the question asks about electric charges that are different. Since different charges refer to charges with opposite signs, the correct option is #2: they repel each other. This principle is described by Coulomb's Law, which quantifies the force between two charged objects based on their charges and the distance between them.

So, in summary, when it comes to electric charges that are different, such as positive and negative charges, they repel each other.