Nine less than the product of 23 and Gail's age

23g - 9

To find the expression "Nine less than the product of 23 and Gail's age," you can start with the product of 23 and Gail's age and subtract 9 from it.

So, the expression "Nine less than the product of 23 and Gail's age" can be written as:

(23 * Gail's age) - 9

To find the expression "nine less than the product of 23 and Gail's age," we first need to know Gail's age. Let's say Gail's age is represented by the variable "x".

The product of 23 and Gail's age is given by 23x. To find nine less than this value, we subtract 9 from 23x. So the expression "nine less than the product of 23 and Gail's age" can be written as:

23x - 9

Remember, this expression will give you the result of subtracting 9 from the product of 23 and Gail's age, where Gail's age is represented by the variable "x".