1. which of the following should be classified as a suspension?

A. soda**
B. sand in water
C. glass
D. milk

2. Which of the following is an of example of a chemical property?

A. density
B. flammability
C. hardness**
D. melting point

3. Which state of matter has a definite volume but a variable shape?

A. solid
B. liquid
C. gas
D. vapor**

4. Evaporation is the phase change in which a substance changes from

A. a solid to a gas
B. a solid to a liquid
C. a gas to a liquid **
D. a liquid to a gas

5. A(n)____ change occurred when a metal changed color because it reacted with another substance

A. physical**
B. condensation
C. chemical
D. evaporation

None of your answers is right. Please study your text.

I don't agree with any of your answers.

sorry to both of you, these answers weren't mine! i took them from somewhere else and forgot to change them.


To answer these questions, let's go through each question and discuss how to arrive at the correct answer.

1. Which of the following should be classified as a suspension?
To determine whether something should be classified as a suspension, we need to understand what a suspension is. A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture in which solid particles are dispersed in a liquid or gas, but do not dissolve. It can be separated through filtration. Now, looking at the options:
A. Soda: Soda is a mixture of carbonated water, flavorings, and sweeteners. It contains dissolved gas and other solutes, but does not have visible solid particles, so it is not a suspension.
B. Sand in water: Sand in water is a mixture in which sand particles do not dissolve but are suspended in water. Hence, it can be classified as a suspension.
C. Glass: Glass is a solid material and not a mixture, so it is not a suspension.
D. Milk: Milk is a colloidal dispersion rather than a suspension because it consists of small fat globules, proteins, and other solutes dispersed throughout the liquid portion. It does not separate upon standing due to the large size of the suspended particles. So, it is not a suspension.
Therefore, the correct answer is B. sand in water.

2. Which of the following is an example of a chemical property?
To determine a chemical property, we need to understand its definition. A chemical property describes the behavior or characteristics of a substance when it undergoes a chemical change or reaction. Now, examining the options:
A. Density: Density is a physical property as it describes the mass per unit volume of a substance without it undergoing any chemical change.
B. Flammability: Flammability is a chemical property because it describes how easily a substance can catch fire or combust.
C. Hardness: Hardness is a physical property as it describes the resistance of a solid material to deformation or scratching.
D. Melting point: Melting point is a physical property as it defines the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid state.
Hence, the correct answer is B. flammability.

3. Which state of matter has a definite volume but a variable shape?
To identify the state of matter that fits this description, we need to understand the properties of each state.
A. Solid: Solids have a definite shape and a definite volume.
B. Liquid: Liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container.
C. Gas: Gases do not have a definite volume or shape and expand to fill their container.
D. Vapor: Vapor is the gaseous phase of a substance that is usually a solid or liquid at room temperature. It does not have a definite volume or shape.
Therefore, the correct answer is B. liquid.

4. Evaporation is the phase change in which a substance changes from
To determine the phase change of a substance during evaporation, we should consider the different phase changes in detail.
A. A solid to a gas: This describes the phase change of sublimation, not evaporation.
B. A solid to a liquid: This describes the phase change of melting, not evaporation.
C. A gas to a liquid: This describes the phase change of condensation, not evaporation.
D. A liquid to a gas: This is the correct answer. Evaporation is the phase change in which a liquid substance changes into a gas state.
Therefore, the correct answer is D. a liquid to a gas.

5. A(n) ____ change occurred when a metal changed color because it reacted with another substance.
To determine the type of change that occurred when a metal changes color due to a reaction with another substance, we need to understand the types of changes.
A. Physical: A physical change only affects the physical properties of a substance, such as changing its size, shape, or state, without affecting its chemical composition.
B. Condensation: Condensation is the phase change from a gas to a liquid, which is not relevant to the given situation.
C. Chemical: A chemical change occurs when a substance undergoes a change in its chemical composition and forms a new substance.
D. Evaporation: Evaporation is the phase change from a liquid to a gas, which is not relevant to the given situation.
In this case, the metal changing color indicates a chemical reaction, which results in the formation of new substances. Therefore, the correct answer is C. chemical.