Deborah's father is twice as old she is now.if their ages add up to 45 years how old is Deborah.

Let x be Deborah's age, in years.

Therefore her father's age is 2x.

Their ages add up to 45:
x + 2x = 45

Solve for x.

If you haven't learned to use variables and equations yet, you can set up a table with these headers:

Deb's's age....adds to 45?

And start systematically trying numbers.

45/2= 22.5 So she is 22 an a half years old.

Let's denote Deborah's current age as x.

According to the information given, Deborah's father is twice as old as she is now, so his age is 2x.

The sum of their ages is 45, so we can write the equation:

x + 2x = 45

Combining like terms:

3x = 45

To find x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 45 / 3

x = 15

Therefore, Deborah is currently 15 years old.

To determine Deborah's age, we can set up an equation based on the information given. Let's assume Deborah's age is represented by x.

According to the information, Deborah's father is twice as old as she is now. Therefore, Deborah's father's age would be 2x.

The sum of their ages is given as 45, so we can set up the equation:

x + 2x = 45

Combining like terms:

3x = 45

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

3x/3 = 45/3

x = 15

Therefore, Deborah is 15 years old.