Yumi walked 2 km to a bus stop to catch the bust to school. The bus arrived straight away and averaged 60km/h for the 5km trip.

Yumi's total travelling time was 25 minutes.
at what average speed did Yumi walk to the bus stop?
The answer is 6, but the only thing I could think of to get to there is 60km/h / 5km trip
is 12mins for the bus trip, which leaves 13 minutes left, and dividing that by 2 km to get the km/h, which would equal 6.5.

time on bus = (5/60)hr

= (5/60)(60) = 5 minutes

so he walked for 20 inutes
20 minutes (1 hour/60 min) = (1/3)hr

2 km/(1/3)hr = 6 km/hr

time on bus = distance / rate

= 5km/60 km/h
= .08333 hrs = 5 minutes

(you had distance = rate/distance !)

that leaves 20 minutes or 1/3 hour for walking the 2 km

rate of walking = 2/(1/3) = 2(3/1)
= 6 km/h

To find out Yumi's average speed while walking to the bus stop, we need to calculate the time it took her to walk that distance.

We know that Yumi's total traveling time was 25 minutes, and she spent 12 minutes on the bus trip. So, the remaining time spent walking to the bus stop is 25 - 12 = 13 minutes.

Now, we need to convert this time from minutes to hours to calculate the average speed. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we divide 13 minutes by 60 to get the time in hours: 13/60 = 0.2167 hours.

Next, we divide the distance Yumi walked, which is 2 km, by the time it took her, which is 0.2167 hours, to find the average speed: 2 km / 0.2167 hours = 9.23 km/h.

Therefore, the average speed at which Yumi walked to the bus stop is approximately 9.23 km/h, not 6 km/h as stated in the answer you provided.