Greg's age is 2 years more than 1/3 of steve's age. Molly is 5 years older than Greg. Which equation can be used to find Molly's age, m, based on Greg's age, g, and steve's age, s?

g = (1/3)s + 2....eq1

m = g + 5....eq2
Sub eq1 into eq2 to get m in terms of s.

To find Molly's age, we can follow the given information step by step.

First, we are told that Greg's age is 2 years more than 1/3 of Steve's age. We can write this as an equation:
g = (1/3)s + 2

Next, we are told that Molly is 5 years older than Greg. So, we can express Molly's age, m, in terms of Greg's age, g, by adding 5 to Greg's age:
m = g + 5

Therefore, the equation that can be used to find Molly's age based on Greg's age and Steve's age is:
m = (1/3)s + 2 + 5

Simplifying it further, we get:
m = (1/3)s + 7