Given: KLMN is a trapezoid, KL = MN,

m∠1=m∠2, LM:KN = 8:9 , PKLMN = 132
Find: The length of the legs.

I got 49, but it was wrong

P stands for the perimeter, and LM and KN are parallel. angle one is LKM and angle 2 is MKN

I had this question too, and the lines LM and KN are parallel, that means m∠2 is congruent to angle LMK due to alternate interior angles. Since m∠1=m∠2, the triangle LMK would be isosceles due to base angle theorem converse. So LM would be congruent to LK and MN (def. of isosceles triangle) which is 8x. So then 8x+8x+8x+9x=132 and I think you can figure it out from there.

Hope this helps.

You have not made it clear what ∠1 and ∠2 are. Try using letters, such as

∠1 = ∠KNM or something

Also, which sides are the parallel bases? If they are KL and MN, then the figure is a parallelogram.

Is PKLMN the perimeter? Or is P some other point outside the trapezoid.

You need to remember that we cannot see the diagram, so it is not always obvious just where thing are.

Ok so we know that KL = MN which is given and then <1 = <2 which is congruent to <KML. Triangle KLM is also an isosceles triangle. <M = 8x = KL. so label legs KL and MN with 8x and also base LM with 8x. KN is 9x because of the ratio given 8/9 just make it 8x and 9x. Just like the person above said earlier, then add to find perimeter so 8x + 8x+8x+9x = 132, which gives you x = 4. To find the length of the midsegment you add the bases and divide by two so top base 8x is 8(4) = 32. The bottom base would be 9x = 9(4)=36. FINALLY, you have (34 + 36)/2 which gives you 34!!

To find the lengths of the legs of the trapezoid, we need to use the given information and apply some geometric properties.

From the given information, we have that KL = MN, and m∠1 = m∠2. Let's label the points as follows: KLMN, with K at the top left, L at the top right, M at the bottom right, and N at the bottom left.

Since KL = MN, this means that the top base KL is congruent to the bottom base MN. Therefore, we can denote KL = MN = x, where x represents the length of both the top and bottom bases.

We also know that LM:KN = 8:9. This ratio implies that LM and KN are in the ratio 8/9. Let's denote LM as 8k and KN as 9k, where k is a constant.

Now, let's look at the angles. Since m∠1 = m∠2, we have two corresponding angles, one at the top base KL and another at the bottom base MN. These angles are opposite angles, and when a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle, it creates proportional sides. Therefore, angles 1 and 2 create proportional sides LK and NM.

Now, let's use the information about the angles to create an equation. We have PKLMN = 132 degrees, which means angles 1 + 2 + 132 = 180 degrees (the sum of angles in a trapezoid). So, angles 1 and 2 are equal to (180 - 132)/ 2 = 24 degrees.

We can form a right triangle by drawing a perpendicular line from N to KL (this line is perpendicular to both KL and MN because a trapezoid has two parallel sides). This line divides the trapezoid into a rectangle and a right triangle.

The right triangle has angles of 90 degrees, 24 degrees, and its third angle can be found by subtracting 90 degrees and 24 degrees from 180 degrees: 180 - 90 - 24 = 66 degrees.

Now, we have a right triangle with angles of 90, 24, and 66 degrees, with LM = 8k and KN = 9k. We need to find the length of the legs, which are LM and KN.

Using trigonometric ratios, we can use the sine function to find the lengths of the legs:

sin(24) = LM / KN
sin(24) = (8k)/(9k)
sin(24) = 8/9
9 * sin(24) = 8

Now, we can solve for k:

k = (9 * sin(24))/8

Finally, we can substitute the value of k back into the expressions for LM and KN to find their lengths:

LM = 8k = 8 * (9 * sin(24))/8 = 9 * sin(24)
KN = 9k = 9 * (9 * sin(24))/8 = 81/8 * sin(24)

Therefore, the lengths of the legs are LM = 9 * sin(24) and KN = 81/8 * sin(24).

Note: The numerical value of sin(24) is approximately 0.4067, so you can substitute this value to find the explicit lengths of the legs.