The equation y=−0.065x2+6.875x+6200 models the amount y of sugar (in pounds per square foot) produced where x is the amount of fertilizer (in pounds per square foot) used.

What is the best approximate for the amount of sugar produced when 3 pounds per square foot of fertilizer is used?

6200 lb/ft2 <my answer

6210 lb/ft2

6220 lb/ft2

6230 lb/ft2

I get 6220

That 6200 is unlikely, since the first two terms don't ad to zero...

To find the approximate amount of sugar produced when 3 pounds per square foot of fertilizer is used, we can substitute x = 3 into the equation y = -0.065x^2 + 6.875x + 6200 and solve for y.

y = -0.065(3)^2 + 6.875(3) + 6200
y ≈ -0.585 + 20.625 + 6200
y ≈ 6200 + 20.04
y ≈ 6220

Therefore, the best approximate for the amount of sugar produced when 3 pounds per square foot of fertilizer is used is 6220 lb/ft2.

To find the approximate amount of sugar produced when 3 pounds per square foot of fertilizer is used, we can substitute the value of x = 3 into the equation y = -0.065x^2 + 6.875x + 6200.

Substituting x = 3 into the equation:
y = -0.065(3)^2 + 6.875(3) + 6200
y = -0.065(9) + 20.625 + 6200
y = -0.585 + 20.625 + 6200
y = 20.04 + 6200
y = 6220.04 lb/ft2

So, the best approximate for the amount of sugar produced when 3 pounds per square foot of fertilizer is used is 6220 lb/ft2.