Hey everyone,

I have a recent essay to do on Julius Caesar. The prompt is who is the tragic hero. I was chosen to go with Caesar. I have to use 3 points in the essay to defend why he is the tragic hero
so far i have:
-his tragic flaw: arrogance
-his nobility

The third point must talk about "death with dignity" basically how his death proves how he is a tragic hero. I dont understand what lines i can use and what i can use as the argument... help!

The very fact of his untimely death is what makes him a tragic hero instead of a comic hero. Beyond that, you might want to look at the reluctance the conspirators have in plotting Caesar's death. How do they feel about him as a friend and as a person as opposed to what they see as his "grab" for power?

In order to identify specific lines and arguments to support the third point in your essay, let's break down the concept of "death with dignity" and explore how it applies to Julius Caesar as a tragic hero.

"Death with dignity" typically refers to an individual's ability to face death bravely, maintain their integrity, and preserve their reputation until the end. In the case of Julius Caesar, his death can be seen as an example of "death with dignity" due to the following reasons:

1. Stoicism in the face of death: Caesar displays stoic qualities, meaning he faces his imminent demise with strength and composure. In Shakespeare's play, when Caesar is assassinated, he famously utters the words "Et tu, Brute?" (meaning "You too, Brutus?"). This phrase highlights Caesar's disbelief and heartbreak over his trusted friend Brutus also being part of the conspiracy against him. Despite this betrayal, Caesar accepts his fate without showing fear or succumbing to despair.

2. Resolute commitment to his ideals: Throughout the play, Caesar demonstrates a firm commitment to his principles and visions for Rome. He believes that his rule will bring stability and prosperity to the empire, even though this ambition may be perceived by others as arrogant. Caesar's steadfastness in pursuing his goals exemplifies his determination and conviction, thus contributing to his "death with dignity."

3. Legacy and impact: Julius Caesar's tragic death has a profound impact on the characters and events following his assassination. Mark Antony's famous funeral oration, which contains the line "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears," is a testament to Caesar's significance and the legacy he leaves behind. The fact that his death incites such powerful emotions and subsequent political upheaval underscores his role as a tragic hero.

To support this argument in your essay, you can analyze relevant lines from Shakespeare's play, particularly those that depict Caesar's stoicism, his unwavering commitment to his vision, and the aftermath of his death. Remember to provide analysis and interpretation of those lines to illustrate their significance in portraying Caesar as a tragic hero who meets his end with dignity.