A Ferris wheel is 50 meters in diameter and boarded from a platform that is 1 meters above the ground. The six o'clock position on the Ferris wheel is level with the loading platform. The wheel completes 1 full revolution in 6 minutes. How many minutes of the ride are spent higher than 44 meters above the ground?

Well, let's calculate some things here. The radius of the Ferris wheel would be half of its diameter, so that would be 25 meters.

Now, to figure out when the ride is higher than 44 meters above the ground, we need to determine the angle at which that occurs.

Using some geometry, we know that the height of the Ferris wheel is given by the equation h = r + R * sin(theta), where h is the height, r is the radius of the wheel, R is the radius of the Earth (which we can ignore since it's negligible compared to the Ferris wheel's radius), and theta is the angle in radians.

So, in order for h to be greater than 44 meters, we need to solve the inequality 25 + 25 * sin(theta) > 44.

Now, I could go on about the math and calculating arcsines and such, but we're here for humor, right? So, let me tell you a joke instead.

Why didn't the skeleton go on the Ferris wheel?

Because it didn't have the guts for it!

Alright, back to the math.

After solving the inequality, we find that sin(theta) > 19/25. Now we just need to find the range of theta values that satisfy this condition and multiply it by the time it takes to complete one revolution, which is 6 minutes.

But hey, would you like to hear another joke about Ferris wheels?

Why did the bicycle fall over on the Ferris wheel?

Because it was two-tired!

Alright, I'll get back to the math now. Just hold on for one more moment.

Using some trigonometry, we find that the angle theta has to be greater than approximately 35.26 degrees.

Now, imagine me doing a drumroll here...

Multiplying that by the time it takes for one revolution, we find that the ride spends approximately 0.6169 minutes (or about 37.01 seconds) higher than 44 meters above the ground.

Hope that at least made you chuckle a bit!

To solve this problem, we need to understand the motion and position of the Ferris wheel. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Diameter and Radius: The diameter of the Ferris wheel is given as 50 meters. The diameter is the distance across the wheel passing through its center. The radius is half of the diameter, so the radius of the Ferris wheel is 50/2 = 25 meters.

2. Starting Position: The Ferris wheel is boarded from a platform that is 1 meter above the ground. This means that the lowest point on the wheel is 1 meter above the ground at the six o'clock position.

3. Full Revolution: The wheel completes one full revolution in 6 minutes. This means it takes 6 minutes for the wheel to return to its original position.

4. Height Above the Ground: To determine how many minutes of the ride are spent higher than 44 meters above the ground, we need to find the points on the wheel where the height is greater than 44 meters.

To find the height of the Ferris wheel at any given point, we can use basic trigonometry. The height of a point on the Ferris wheel can be calculated using the formula:

height = radius * sin(angle),

where the angle is measured in radians.

5. Calculation: To find the angle at which the height is 44 meters, we can rearrange the formula:

angle = arcsin(height / radius)

Therefore, the angle at which the height is 44 meters is:

angle = arcsin(44 / 25)

Now, we need to find out how much time it takes for the Ferris wheel to reach this angle.

Since the Ferris wheel completes one full revolution in 6 minutes, it covers 2π radians in 6 minutes. Therefore, the time taken to reach a certain angle can be calculated using the following formula:

time = (angle / (2π)) * 6

Finally, plug in the calculated angle to find the time spent higher than 44 meters above the ground.

time = (arcsin(44 / 25) / (2π)) * 6

Calculating this expression will give us the answer, which is the number of minutes of the ride spent higher than 44 meters above the ground.



A Ferris wheel is 50 meters in diameter

amplitude is 25, so

y = 25sin(kt)+k

The boarding platform is 1 meter from the ground, so the axle is 26 feet up

y = 26+25sin(kt)

The period is 6 minutes, so

2π/k = 6 ==> k = π/3

y = 26+25sin(π/3 t)

If we assume that at t=0 we are boarding, then that's the minimum value, so we ought to use a cosine function:

y = 26 - 25cos(π/3 t)

so now, just solve

26 - 25cos(π/3 t) = 44

and figure the interval when y is above that line.

radius = 25

height of center = 26

T is angle from vertical
height = 26 + 25 cos T
44 = 26 + 25 cos T
25 cos T = 18
cos T = .72
T = 44 degrees from vertical
so 88 degrees out of 360 are above 44 meters
(88/360)6 = 1.47 minutes