In the eastern orthodrax church icons, were???

There are still icons in the Eastern Orthodox church.

wow thxs Ms.Sue this help alot

not being mean this help alot

You're welcome, Julio.

how did she help

never important

very important sorry read it wrong

I did not undestand

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, icons play a significant role in religious practices and worship. Icons are religious images painted on wooden panels or boards and are venerated as sacred representations of Christ, the Virgin Mary, saints, and other religious figures.

To find more detailed information about icons in the Eastern Orthodox Church, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for reputable sources: Start by looking for reliable sources such as books, scholarly articles, or websites dedicated to Eastern Orthodox Christianity or religious art. Reputable sources ensure that the information you obtain is accurate and trustworthy.

2. Visit a local library: Libraries often have sections dedicated to religious studies, art history, or theology. Browse through these sections to find books specifically on the topic of Eastern Orthodox icons, their history, significance, and symbolism.

3. Consult academic databases: If you have access to academic databases, you can search for scholarly articles or papers on the subject. Websites like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or academic journals related to theology or religious studies can provide valuable information.

4. Explore specialized websites: Look for websites that focus on Eastern Orthodox Christianity or religious iconography. These websites often have comprehensive explanations, articles, and visual examples of icons, their meaning, and their role within the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use, making sure they are reliable and authoritative. By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of icons in the Eastern Orthodox Church.