Which ratio can form a proportion with 3/7?



To determine the ratio that can form a proportion with 3/7, we need to find a ratio with the same value.

A proportion is when two ratios are equal. In this case, we have the ratio 3/7. To find a proportion, we need to find another ratio that is equivalent to 3/7.

To do this, we can set up a proportion by placing an unknown value, let's say x, over an unknown value, let's say y, on one side, and 3/7 on the other side. It would look like this:

x/y = 3/7

Now, we can cross-multiply to find the equivalent ratio:

7x = 3y

To find a ratio that can form a proportion with 3/7, we need to find values of x and y that satisfy this equation. We can do this by choosing any value for x and then solve for y.

For example, let's choose x = 3. Plugging this value into the equation:

7(3) = 3y
21 = 3y
y = 7

Therefore, the ratio that can form a proportion with 3/7 is 3/7 or any other ratio with the same value, such as 6/14 or 9/21.

Which ratio can form a proportion with 3/7

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