5d + 13d = -18


Does D = d?

18d = -18

Take it from here.

I Got It Thanks So Much Can you help with another one plz

q + 5

= -3

q + 5 -2 = -3

q + 3 = -3
q = -6

Psydag are you girl?

To find the value of "d" in the equation 5d + 13d = -18, we can combine the like terms on the left side of the equation.

First, combine the coefficients of "d":

5d + 13d = (5 + 13)d

This simplifies to:

18d = -18

Next, isolate "d" by dividing both sides of the equation by 18:

18d/18 = -18/18

This simplifies to:

d = -1

Therefore, the value of "d" is -1.