Bobbie wants to plant a flower garden in her yard. She raked out the circular garden area shown below. Now she wants to estimate the area of the garden. Bobbie knows that her rake is 5 feet long. Which estimate is closest to the area in square feet of the garden?


To estimate the area of the circular garden, Bobbie can follow these steps:

1. Start by measuring the diameter of the circular garden. In this case, the diameter is the length of the rake, which is 5 feet.

2. The radius of the circle is half the diameter. So, divide the diameter (5 feet) by 2 to find the radius: 5 feet / 2 = 2.5 feet.

3. To calculate the area of a circle, you can use the formula: Area = π * (radius)^2

4. Plug in the value of the radius (2.5 feet) into the formula: Area = π * 2.5^2

5. Calculate the area using the value of π, which is approximately 3.14: Area = 3.14 * 2.5^2 = 3.14 * 6.25 = 19.625 square feet.

Now that we have the area calculated, let's see which estimate is closest:

- Option 1: 60 square feet
- Option 2: 310 square feet
- Option 3: 180 square feet
- Option 4: 80 square feet

Comparing the calculated area (19.625 square feet) to the given options, the closest estimate is 180 square feet.

We can't see the garden area "shown below."