Electronic band structures are caused by electron-electron interactions between neighboring atoms. The greater the degree of interaction, the wider the band generally becomes. For this reason, atoms with high coordination numbers tend to form wider bands, since more bonds are formed when coordination number is higher. If the bands are wider, the band gaps become smaller because the band covers more energy values. Base on this knowledge, if you made a single-atom layer thin film out of a semiconductor, what would you expect the bandgap of this film to be compared to a bulk (large in all 3 dimensions) semiconductor made out of the same material? Please explain why

If a single-atom layer thin film is made out of a semiconductor material, we would expect the bandgap of this film to be different compared to a bulk semiconductor made out of the same material. In general, the bandgap of the thin film is expected to be different due to quantum confinement effects.

To understand this, let's first consider the electronic band structure in a bulk semiconductor. In a bulk semiconductor, atoms bond together to form a crystal lattice, and the electronic structure is described by energy bands. These bands are formed from the atomic orbitals of the constituent atoms that overlap and combine. The valence band is filled with electrons, while the conduction band is empty or only partially filled. The energy difference between the valence band and the conduction band is known as the bandgap.

When we transition from the bulk semiconductor to a thin film, the number of atoms in one direction is greatly reduced, and we have a two-dimensional system. In this scenario, the quantum confinement effect becomes significant. Quantum confinement refers to the restriction of electron motion in one or more dimensions, leading to changes in the electronic properties.

Due to the reduced dimensions, the electronic wavefunctions are confined in the direction perpendicular to the thin film. The confinement leads to a quantization of energy levels, and the energy levels become discrete. As a result, the energy band structure of the thin film is modified compared to the bulk semiconductor.

In terms of the bandgap, the quantum confinement effect typically leads to an increase in the effective bandgap of the thin film compared to the bulk semiconductor. This means that the bandgap becomes larger for the thin film.

The reason for this increase in the effective bandgap can be understood by considering the energy dispersion relation for a confined system. In a bulk semiconductor, the energy dispersion relation depends on the crystal momentum, which is a continuous variable. However, in a thin film, the confinement in one direction restricts the values of the crystal momentum, leading to a modification in the dispersion relation.

In practical terms, when a semiconductor thin film is fabricated, the reduction in dimensionality can lead to a blue-shift in the energy of the electronic transitions, resulting in an effective increase in the bandgap. This phenomenon is often utilized in nanoscale devices and optoelectronics, where we can engineer the bandgap by controlling the thickness of the thin film.

Therefore, compared to a bulk semiconductor made out of the same material, a single-atom layer thin film of a semiconductor would typically have a larger bandgap due to the quantum confinement effects.