Write the pseudocode for an application that accepts enter eight friends’ first names and displays them in alphabetical order

there are lots of sort routines you can find online. So, this will accept an arbitrary number of names:

while name ≠ ""
read name
if name≠"" then names[n++] = name
end while

snames = sort names,n

while n>0 print names[n--]

Sure! Here's an example of pseudocode for an application that accepts eight friends' first names and displays them in alphabetical order:

1. Initialize an array called "friends" with a size of 8.
2. Create a loop that iterates 8 times to accept inputs for each friend's first name.
3. Inside the loop, prompt the user to enter the first name of a friend.
4. Store the entered first name in the corresponding element of the "friends" array.
5. After the loop finishes, sort the "friends" array in alphabetical order.
- You can use a sorting algorithm like bubble sort or insertion sort.
6. Create another loop to display the names in alphabetical order.
- Iterate through each element of the "friends" array.
- Display the first name at the current index.
7. End the program.

Please note that pseudocode is not a specific programming language syntax but rather a representation of the logic involved in a program. You would need to convert this pseudocode into a specific programming language of your choice to run it as an actual application.