The equation d=0.12v^2 + 2.1v models the distance d in feet it takes a car traveling at a speed of v miles per hour to come to a complete stop. Graces car was able to stop after 350ft on a highway. If the speed limit in the area was 35 miles per hour, was she speeding? Justify your answer.

I did 350=0.12v^2 +2.1v
-350to both sides -350
0=0.12v^2 +2.1v-350
x=-b+- square root b^2-4ac/2a
x=-2.1+- square root 4.41-4(.12)(-350)/2(.12)

x=-2.1+- square root172.41/.24
square root of 172.41= 13.13, now divide that by .24=54.71
-2.1 +54.71 = 52.61
-2.1-54.71= -56.81 - we don't use this one
So if the speed limit was 35 mph , Grace was speeding, going approx. 52 mph

Can you please check my work? Is this correct?
Thank you for your help!!

It looks good most of the way; just a small error near the end:

First work out -2.1 + 13.13, and then divide the result by 0.24.
Same correction needed for your second solution.

thank you

so I got 45.95, so approx. 46mph, which is still over the speed limit.
Thank you for taking the time to check my long involved problem.

Let's verify your work:

You correctly set up the equation: 0.12v^2 + 2.1v = 350.

You then subtracted 350 from both sides to get: 0 = 0.12v^2 + 2.1v - 350.

Now, you correctly identified a, b, and c in the quadratic equation formula: x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a).
a = 0.12, b = 2.1, c = -350.

Next, you substituted these values into the quadratic formula: x = (-2.1 ± √(2.1^2 - 4(0.12)(-350))) / (2(0.12)).

Now, let's calculate the square root term separately:
√(2.1^2 - 4(0.12)(-350)) = √(4.41 - (-168)) = √(4.41 + 168) = √172.41.

Here, you made a minor error. The square root of 172.41 is actually 13.11 (rounded to two decimal places), not 13.13.

Continuing with the calculation:
x = (-2.1 ± 13.11) / 0.24.

Now, let's calculate the two possible values for this expression:
x1 = (-2.1 + 13.11) / 0.24 = 11.01 / 0.24 = 45.88 (rounded to two decimal places).
x2 = (-2.1 - 13.11) / 0.24 = -15.21 / 0.24 = -63.38 (rounded to two decimal places).

You correctly identified that we need to discard the negative root since speed cannot be negative, so we consider x1 = 45.88 mph.

From your calculation, you determined that if the speed limit was 35 mph, Grace was speeding at approximately 52 mph.

Overall, your work is mostly correct, with the minor error in rounding the square root of 172.41. Your final answer and conclusion are accurate.