48,567 kilograms what is the mass of the boulder in metric tons

behold the beauty of the metric system

48567 kg = 48.567 tons

To convert kilograms to metric tons, you need to divide the value by 1000.

Step 1: Divide the mass in kilograms by 1000:
48,567 kg / 1000 = 48.567 metric tons

Therefore, the mass of the boulder is 48.567 metric tons.

To convert the mass of the boulder from kilograms to metric tons, you need to divide the mass in kilograms by 1000. This is because there are 1000 kilograms in a metric ton.

So, for a mass of 48,567 kilograms:
48,567 kilograms ÷ 1000 = 48.567 metric tons

Therefore, the mass of the boulder is approximately 48.567 metric tons.