Anger is a normal emotion that all humans feel at some time. It is important to express this emotion in a healthy way. Which of these ways of dealing with anger might affect your health in a negative way?

A.) Accept your feelings
B.) Ignore your triggers
C.) Talk about the problem
D.) Seek constructive alternatives

Plz Help Ms.Sue, QUIZ

I'm not Ms. Sue, but I would say B would affect your health in a negative way.

When a person is angry, if the person chooses to simply ignore their triggers, it would only makes matters worse over time.

Ray is correct.

PS - Ms. Sue is not usually online at 1:02 am!!

Of the options provided, ignoring your triggers could potentially affect your health in a negative way. Ignoring or suppressing anger can lead to increased stress levels, which can have negative effects on both mental and physical health. It is generally recommended to acknowledge and express anger in a healthy way, such as by accepting your feelings, talking about the problem, or seeking constructive alternatives.

To identify which option might affect your health in a negative way when dealing with anger, we can evaluate each option individually:

A.) Accept your feelings: Accepting your feelings of anger is generally seen as a healthy way to deal with the emotion. It allows you to acknowledge and validate your emotions rather than suppressing them. Accepting your feelings is unlikely to have a negative impact on your health.

B.) Ignore your triggers: Ignoring your triggers refers to avoiding or not addressing the underlying causes of your anger. This approach might lead to unresolved anger that can build up over time, potentially impacting your mental and emotional well-being. While it may not have an immediate negative effect on your physical health, it can certainly have long-term consequences.

C.) Talk about the problem: Talking about the problem, expressing your anger in a constructive way, and seeking support from others can be beneficial for managing anger. This allows you to communicate your feelings, find solutions, and gain different perspectives. It is generally seen as a healthy way to deal with anger, and it is unlikely to have a negative impact on your health.

D.) Seek constructive alternatives: Seeking constructive alternatives means finding healthy ways to manage and express your anger, such as engaging in physical activities, journaling, practicing relaxation techniques, or finding creative outlets. This approach is also considered a healthy way to cope with anger and is unlikely to have a negative impact on your health.

Based on the above analysis, the option that might affect your health in a negative way when dealing with anger is "B.) Ignore your triggers." It is important to address and understand the underlying causes of your anger rather than suppressing or ignoring them, as it can lead to potential negative consequences for your mental and emotional well-being.