Victor is y years old .His 9-year-old sister Marsha is 4 years younger than he is Write an equation to represent this situation would this be like 9+4=Y

Yes, that works. Just be sure to use lowercase "y" in your equation to match the variable in your sentence.

So what's another answer

No, the equation you have written is not correct. To represent the situation described, you need to consider that Marsha's age is 4 years less than Victor's age.

Let's assume that Victor's age is represented by the variable "y". To represent Marsha's age, you would subtract 4 from Victor's age. Therefore, the equation would be:
Marsha's age = Victor's age - 4

In mathematical terms, this can be written as:
Marsha's age = y - 4

So, the correct equation to represent this situation is: Marsha's age = y - 4.