Im a word of five letters

People eat me
If you remove my first letter i will be form of energy if you remove my first two letters i will be needed for living if you remove my first three letters i will be a preposition if you remove my first four letters i will be a drink for you


Based on the information provided, the word you are looking for is "Bread."

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the clues one by one:

1. "I'm a word of five letters" - This tells us that the word we're looking for consists of five letters.

2. "People eat me" - Bread is a commonly consumed food item.

3. "If you remove my first letter, I will be a form of energy" - Removing the first letter "B" leaves us with the word "Read," which can be interpreted as reading, an activity that requires mental energy.

4. "If you remove my first two letters, I will be needed for living" - Removing the first two letters "Br" results in "Ead," which is not a commonly used word. However, "Oxygen," an essential element needed for living, can be formed by removing the letters "Br" from "Bread."

5. "If you remove my first three letters, I will be a preposition" - By removing the first three letters "Bre," we are left with "Ad," which is a common abbreviation for "Advertisement." However, this is not a preposition. Therefore, this clue does not align with the word "Bread."

6. "If you remove my first four letters, I will be a drink for you" - Removing the first four letters "Brea" leaves us with "D," which is the abbreviation for a unit of measurement equal to 1/8th of an ounce. However, this does not represent a drink. Therefore, this clue also does not apply to the word "Bread."

Upon analyzing all the clues, it becomes evident that "Bread" is the word that matches all the given criteria.