1.what is the slant height for the given pyramid to the nearest whole unit.

pyramid base= 12 cm
height=8 cm
A.5 cm
B.9 cm *****
C.14 cm
D.10 cm

What is the length of the diagonal for the given rectangular prism to the nearest whole unit?
the unit is the length=6, width=5, height=9

A. 8 cm *****
B.10 cm
C.11 cm
D.12 cm

IM pretty confident that these are correct like 99.9% sure im correct but there is still that .1% im not so please tell me if im wrong thanks :)


I get
s^2 = 6^2 + 8^2 = 100
s = 10

Ok, so if "Reiny" is a Math teacher, that surely knows more than me, why hasn't he answered the second question?

Betta Fish, your were right in #2, so there was no need to say anything about it.

I only corrected your mistake in #1

Reiny, do you have a typo? In your calculation of "s^2 = 6^2 + 8^2" you get 100, but how come "s" now equals 10?

The square root of 100 is 10, oh, so "Reiny" probably meant that, but she didn't include the square root sign in her solving, so yeah...but, that's not the formula to get slant height, or, am I wrong?


Ok, both of your answers are wrong...

1. Nope, please check again. This is the formula I used:
Slant Height = √(h2 + (b / 2)2)
Plug in the values
√(10^2 + (8 / 2)2)
= 10.77 cm

2. Wrong, this is the formula I used: √d=l^2 + w^2 + h^2
l = length
w = width
h = height
The answer is ≈ 11.92

Betta -- what is the square root of 100?

Lmao the answer is 13

Reiny, a long-time math teacher, was using the Pythagorean Theorem. He didn't need to use the square root sign.

Please only answer those questions for which you have expertise.