A plane is cruising at 155.00 km/h increases it speed to 285.1 km/h in just 11.5 s as it makes a dive. What was the acceleration of the plane?

a = vf - vi / t

Your equation needs brackets aroun vf - vi.

vf = 285.1km/h
vi = 155.0 km/h
t = 11.5 s

Plug them into your equation and solve for a.

Prior to subbing speeds into your equation, make sure you first convert km/h to m/s.

To find the acceleration of the plane, we can use the formula:

acceleration (a) = change in velocity (Δv) / time (t)

First, let's calculate the change in velocity:

Δv = vf - vi
= 285.1 km/h - 155.00 km/h
= 130.1 km/h

Next, we need to convert the change in velocity to meters per second (m/s), as we will be using SI units:

Δv = 130.1 km/h * (1000 m/km) / (3600 s/h)
= 36.14 m/s

Now substitute the values into the acceleration formula:

a = Δv / t
= 36.14 m/s / 11.5 s
= 3.14 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the plane during the dive is 3.14 m/s².

To find the acceleration of the plane, we can use the formula:

acceleration (a) = final velocity (vf) - initial velocity (vi) / time (t)

Initial velocity (vi) = 155.00 km/h
Final velocity (vf) = 285.1 km/h
Time (t) = 11.5 s

First, let's convert the velocities from km/h to m/s to maintain consistent units:

Initial velocity (vi) = 155.00 km/h * (1000 m/1 km) * (1 h/3600 s)
= 155.00 * 1000 / 3600 m/s
= 43.0556 m/s (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Final velocity (vf) = 285.1 km/h * (1000 m/1 km) * (1 h/3600 s)
= 285.1 * 1000 / 3600 m/s
= 79.1944 m/s (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Now that we have the velocities in m/s, we can substitute these values into the formula:

acceleration (a) = (79.1944 m/s - 43.0556 m/s) / 11.5 s

Simply subtract the initial velocity from the final velocity, and then divide the result by the time:

acceleration (a) = 36.1388 m/s / 11.5 s
= 3.1407 m/s² (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Therefore, the acceleration of the plane is approximately 3.1407 m/s² during the dive.