A receipt requires 1/2 cup of flour for every batch of cookies. How many full batches of cookies can be made with 5 1/2 flour?

(11/2) / (1/2)

(11/2) * 2 = 22/2 = 11

To calculate the number of full batches of cookies that can be made with 5 1/2 cups of flour, you need to divide the total amount of flour by the amount of flour required per batch.

The given information states that 1/2 cup of flour is needed per batch of cookies.

First, we need to convert the mixed number 5 1/2 to an improper fraction. The whole number part, 5, can be written as 5/1, then add the fractional part, 1/2, resulting in 11/2.

Now we can set up the division:
(11/2) ÷ (1/2)

When dividing fractions, we can simplify the expression by multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction:
(11/2) x (2/1)

Multiplying the numerators gives: 11 x 2 = 22
Multiplying the denominators gives: 2 x 1 = 2

So, 5 1/2 cups of flour can make 22 full batches of cookies.