Place grouping symbols in this expression so that the value of the expression is 37.Then justify your answer by simplifying the expression.


8×5-(6+12)÷6 = 37

as for simplifying, it doesn't get much simpler than 37 ...

To place grouping symbols in the expression 8×5-6+12÷6 so that the value of the expression is 37, we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS):

P - Parentheses (grouping symbols)
E - Exponents (powers and square roots, etc.)
MD - Multiply and Divide (from left to right)
AS - Add and Subtract (from left to right)

Let's work through it step by step:

1. Grouping symbols have the highest priority. We need to figure out where to place them to get a value of 37. Let's try putting parentheses around 8×5 and around 12÷6, and leave -6 as it is:

(8×5) - 6 + (12÷6)

2. Next, we perform the multiplication and division from left to right:

(40) - 6 + (2)

3. Now, we perform the addition and subtraction:

40 - 6 + 2

4. Continuing with addition and subtraction:

34 + 2

5. Finally, we perform the last addition:


Since the simplified expression is 36, we can see that our initial placement of grouping symbols did not result in a value of 37. Therefore, there is no way to place grouping symbols in the given expression to obtain a value of 37.