So I am doing this science experiment about light. I chose to do one where you put a pencil in a glass of water and the light makes it look like it's bending. There is a chart of measurements that you need to fill out and I have no idea how to get them. I know you are gonna use a protractor and measure different stuff about the pencil but can someone please explain to me how to fill out this graph:

Angle of Incidence |Air|Water|Glass
In Air (or water,
or glass)

To fill out the given graph, you will need to measure the angles of incidence, which are the angles at which the light rays hit the pencil at different media boundaries. Here's how you can fill out the chart:

1. Start by placing a glass of water on a table or any flat surface.
2. Take a pencil and stand it up vertically in the glass of water. Make sure the pencil is straight and centered.
3. Set up the protractor on the table next to the glass of water. The zero degree mark of the protractor should be aligned with the bottom of the glass, forming a straight line vertically.
4. Look at the pencil from the side, near the surface of the water. You will see the pencil appearing to bend or change direction due to the refraction of light.
5. Identify the angle of incidence when the light ray enters the glass of water from the air. Carefully position the protractor to measure the angle between the incident ray (incoming light) and the normal line (perpendicular to the surface of the glass). Record this angle under the "In Air" column for "Water."
6. Now, measure the angle of incidence when the light ray enters the glass from the water. Position the protractor in the same way as before, but this time measure the angle between the incoming ray and the normal line inside the water. Record this angle under the "In Water" column for "Glass."
7. Finally, measure the angle of incidence when the light ray enters the glass from the air. Again, position the protractor similarly to the previous step, but measure the angle between the incoming ray and the normal line on the opposite side of the glass. Record this angle under the "In Air" column for "Glass."

Repeat these steps for each trial, filling the respective measurements in the chart. Remember to be precise and accurate when measuring the angles to get reliable data.

The chart should then be filled out as follows:

Angle of Incidence | Air | Water | Glass
In Air (or water,
or glass)

Once you have completed the experiment and collected all the necessary measurements, you can analyze and interpret the data to draw conclusions about the behavior of light when it passes through different media.