ht t p: / / imgur. c o m / a/ Fn4gh

I really need help with this question, I believe it is C, can someone help please?
P.S: put the link in your web browser and remove the spaces to get access to the link, thank you.

c < -1 means that you want all numbers to left of -1, but not -1 itself.

This is shown with an arrow to the left of -1 with an open circle around the -1
if the circle is closed or solid, then it would be
c ≤ -1, the -1 would be included

so the correct choice is the first one

To access the link provided, follow these steps:

1. Copy the entire URL: ht t p: / / imgur. c o m / a/ Fn4gh
2. Open a web browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.
3. Paste the URL into the address bar of the web browser. Remove any spaces that have been added to the URL.
The correct URL should be:
4. Press Enter or Return on your keyboard, or click the "Go" or "Enter" button next to the address bar.
5. The web browser should now load the webpage associated with the URL, which should contain the information or image you are looking for.

Unfortunately, without information about the specific question you need help with, it is not possible to provide an answer.