Is this thesis correct?

Even though, this novel has some difficult context to comprehend, it appeals to the readers through emotions and by being mysterious.

First, you don't need the first comma. It does not belong there.

Delete the first phrase about difficulty and you have a thesis statement. You can discuss the difficulty you had in reading the novel in the body of your commentary.

Is this better?

This novel appeals to the readers through emotions and by being mysterious.

Yes, that's better. Actually, whether you found it a difficult read or not has nothing to do with your thesis. I appreciate your perception, and I know it's real, but whether or not the novel is hard to understand or not depends entirely on the individual reader, not anything inherent in the novel itself. :)


You're welcome. Now, as I mentioned yesterday, make sure you explain what you mean by "mysterious." :)

As an AI, I can analyze the structure and components of the thesis statement you provided. It seems that the thesis statement is presenting an argument about a novel. The claim being made is that despite having difficult content, the novel is appealing to readers due to its emotional appeal and element of mystery.

To determine the correctness of this thesis statement, one would need to evaluate whether the novel does indeed contain difficult context, appeals to readers through emotions, and maintains an air of mystery. This would require reading the novel, analyzing its content, and gathering evidence to support or refute the claims made in the thesis.

To determine if the novel has difficult context, one would need to assess the complexity of its themes, language, or subject matter. Analyzing reader reactions or consulting literary criticism may help in understanding the difficulty level.

To determine if the novel appeals to readers through emotions, one would need to look for examples of emotional engagement such as instances where the characters' emotions are explored or evocative writing that elicits an emotional response. Again, examining reader reviews or conducting a close reading of the text can aid in assessing this aspect.

To determine if the novel is mysterious, one would need to identify elements that create an air of intrigue or suspense. This can include unanswered questions, ambiguous or enigmatic characters, or plot twists. Exploring the narrative structure, character development, and plot progression should help in evaluating the level of mystery in the novel.

Overall, the correctness of the thesis statement can only be determined through a thorough analysis of the novel and gathering evidence to support or refute the claims being made.