Ashley ate 3/5 apples. Alan ate 4/20 apples. How much apples were left?

(20/20) - (12/20) - (4/20) = 4/20 = 1/5

To find out how many apples were left, we need to subtract the total apples eaten by Ashley and Alan from the initial number of apples.

Let's start by calculating the number of apples Ashley ate. Ashley ate 3/5 of the apples, which means she ate 3 parts out of a total of 5 parts. To calculate this, we can multiply the fraction by the total number of apples:

3/5 * total apples = (3/5) * total apples

Next, let's calculate the number of apples Alan ate. Alan ate 4/20 of the apples, which means he ate 4 parts out of a total of 20 parts. Again, we can multiply the fraction by the total number of apples:

4/20 * total apples = (4/20) * total apples

Now, to find the remaining apples, we subtract the total apples eaten by Ashley and Alan from the initial number of apples:

Remaining apples = initial number of apples - (Ashley's apples + Alan's apples)

To simplify the calculation, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions. Both 5 and 20 have a common multiple of 20.

3/5 * total apples = (3/5) * (20/20) * total apples = 12/20 * total apples
4/20 * total apples = (4/20) * (20/20) * total apples = 4/20 * total apples

So the equation becomes:

Remaining apples = initial number of apples - (12/20 * total apples + 4/20 * total apples)

Simplifying further:

Remaining apples = initial number of apples - (16/20 * total apples)

Now we can solve the equation by subtracting the quantities:

Remaining apples = initial number of apples - 16/20 * total apples

The result will give you the number of apples that were left after Ashley and Alan ate their portions.