On a number line, show all values of x for which… |x| >0

(Sorry about how I can't post the number line and the tools to use but I can explain it).

The tool are to put a ray( open circle and closed circle), segment (open circle and closed circle, and point.

since |x| > 0 for any x≠0 just shade the whole number line, but with an open circle at 0.

As you say, an open circle at 0, with rays pointing in both directions.

When I put it in, it said it was incorrect. But thanks for trying anyway. But, if you know another answer you can reply then

The answer is correct. I have no idea how you are supposed to enter it.

No worries! I can still help you understand how to solve this problem.

The inequality |x| > 0 can be read as "the absolute value of x is greater than 0." Remember that the absolute value of a number is always positive or zero, never negative.

To represent this on a number line, you can imagine a line with 0 in the middle, and then mark points to the right (positive) and left (negative) of 0.

Since we are looking for values of x where |x| is greater than 0, we need to exclude 0 itself and mark all the points to the right and left of it. This means shading the entire number line except for the point zero.

So, to summarize, on the number line, you would shade or mark all values to the right and left of zero, excluding zero itself.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.