What is a constitutional Monarchy?

A) A Government in which a king or queen has all the power. ***

B) A Government in which the people elect the king or queen.

C) A representative government with a mostly ceremonial ruler.

D) A representative government with only one set of written laws.

My Answer: A ***

The Answer is C your welcome....

just google it, its the first thing that comes up

Actually, the correct answer is option C) A representative government with a mostly ceremonial ruler.

A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch serves as the head of state within the parameters set by a constitution. In this system, the monarch's powers are limited and constrained by a constitution, which outlines the rights and responsibilities of the monarch and establishes the rules for governing the country. The monarch typically has a ceremonial role, representing the country on the global stage and performing symbolic functions, while the actual governing is done by elected representatives.

To determine the correct answer, it is beneficial to understand the basic concepts of constitutional monarchies and their characteristics. In this case, by eliminating option A) A Government in which a king or queen has all the power and option B) A Government in which the people elect the king or queen, we are left with option C) A representative government with a mostly ceremonial ruler, which accurately describes a constitutional monarchy.

Ahh, I was thinking about a Monarchy not Constitutional Monarchy..My answer is B.

No, not B either. Read up on England's governmental structure.

That's two wrong choices. Please don't post about this again.


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