A rectangular hot tub is 6 feet long and 5 feet wide.A walkway 3 feet wide surrounds the hot tub.Find the area of the walkway

A:30 square feet B:65 square feet
C:102 square feet D:132 square feet

Did you make a sketch?

What are the dimensions of the tub with a 3 ft border around it?
What is the area of that rectangle?

What is the area of the tub?

subtract the two areas.

let me know your choice.

To find the area of the walkway surrounding the hot tub, we need to subtract the area of the hot tub itself from the area of the rectangle that includes the walkway.

First, let's find the area of the hot tub:

Area of the hot tub = length × width
Area of the hot tub = 6 feet × 5 feet
Area of the hot tub = 30 square feet

Now, let's find the area of the rectangle that includes the walkway:

Length of the rectangle = length of the hot tub + 2 × width of the walkway
Length of the rectangle = 6 feet + 2 × 3 feet
Length of the rectangle = 6 feet + 6 feet
Length of the rectangle = 12 feet

Width of the rectangle = width of the hot tub + 2 × width of the walkway
Width of the rectangle = 5 feet + 2 × 3 feet
Width of the rectangle = 5 feet + 6 feet
Width of the rectangle = 11 feet

Area of the rectangle = length of the rectangle × width of the rectangle
Area of the rectangle = 12 feet × 11 feet
Area of the rectangle = 132 square feet

Lastly, to find the area of the walkway, we subtract the area of the hot tub from the area of the rectangle:

Area of the walkway = Area of the rectangle - Area of the hot tub
Area of the walkway = 132 square feet - 30 square feet
Area of the walkway = 102 square feet

Therefore, the correct answer is C: 102 square feet.