The ______ for the criminals is next Tuesday.

Fill in the blank with a gerund to complete the phrase.
Indicate if it is the subject, direct object, object of the preposition, or predicate nominative.

im having trouble finding a gerund for this sentence.
plz help me!


thank you so muchh! i didn't even think of that word! thank you again

You're very welcome. That's what comes from reading a lot of mystery novels. :-)

To find the gerund in this sentence, we need to identify a verb that functions as a noun. A gerund is a verb form that ends with -ing and functions as a noun in a sentence.

In the given sentence, the missing word should describe an action that the criminals are involved in. Let's consider some options:

1. The stealing for the criminals is next Tuesday.
2. The escaping for the criminals is next Tuesday.
3. The planning for the criminals is next Tuesday.
4. The hiding for the criminals is next Tuesday.

After reviewing these options, we can see that "stealing," "escaping," "planning," and "hiding" are all gerunds, as they end in -ing and function as nouns in the sentence.

Regarding the specific function of the gerund in the sentence, it appears to be the subject since it is the noun performing the action. Therefore, we can fill in the blank with:

"The stealing for the criminals is next Tuesday."

Here, "stealing" is the gerund, and it functions as the subject of the sentence.