Milo changes from the beginning of Act II to the end of Act II of the phantom tollbooth. What is the biggest change in him?

A.He is afraid of making mistakes.
B.He makes friends more easily.
C.He is bored and tired.
D.He values time.*****



100% just took it

She is not right don't listen to the girl who keeps saying she would never do a prank and got them right because I did and I got 2/5 40%

Remember that this is not a quiz. It is a quick check. Quick checks are open book/ notes...

If you call quick checks a quiz some people here get upset and think you are cheating.

Mrs. Lapidiz is wrong don't listen to her, lol is right and follow their answer and you'll get 5/5, I just took it. Your welcome. <3

I’m sorry honey, but lol is right.

LOL is right, i just took the quick check and got 100%

Really, Mrs lapidiz? You're not even the real teacher. Stop being such a prankster. AAANYWAY "lol" is right :P

thanks lol

is lol for Conexus answers? I am checking mine and I don't know If that's for the right quiz or not

im sorry to say this ms sue but lol is right
