In a state legislature there were 119 more members in the House of Representatives than in senate. If there were m members in senate, write an expression to represent the totial members in the state legislature. PLZ HELP!!!!!

m + m + 119

To find the expression representing the total number of members in the state legislature, we need to consider that the House of Representatives has 119 more members than the Senate.

Let's assume that the number of members in the Senate is represented by the variable "m".

The number of members in the House of Representatives would then be "m + 119" since there are 119 more members than the Senate.

To find the total number of members in the state legislature, we simply sum the number of members in the Senate and the House of Representatives:

Total members in the state legislature = m + (m + 119)

We can simplify this expression by combining like terms:

Total members in the state legislature = 2m + 119

So, the expression representing the total members in the state legislature is "2m + 119".