how many sigma and pi bonds in hooc-cooh

To determine the number of sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in a molecule, we need to examine its Lewis structure.

The Lewis structure of HOOC-COOH, also known as oxalic acid, is as follows:

| | | | | | | |
H - C - C - O - O - C - C - H

To count the number of sigma and pi bonds, we need to understand their definitions:

1. Sigma (σ) bonds: These are single covalent bonds that occur directly between two overlapping atomic orbitals. Sigma bonds allow free rotation around the bond axis. Examples include C-C, C-H, C-O, C=O, and O-H bonds.

2. Pi (π) bonds: These are double or triple bonds formed by the sideways overlap of two p-orbitals, above and below the bonding axis. Pi bonds do not allow free rotation around the bond axis. Examples include C=C and C=O double bonds, and C≡C and C≡N triple bonds.

Now, let's count the sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in HOOC-COOH:

HOOC-COOH contains the following bonds:
- 4 C-C sigma bonds (between the two carbon atoms)
- 2 C-O sigma bonds (between each carbon atom and an oxygen atom)
- 4 C=O pi bonds (between each carbon atom and oxygen atom; two in each carbonyl group)

Therefore, the total number of sigma (σ) bonds in HOOC-COOH is 6 (4 C-C + 2 C-O), and the total number of pi (π) bonds is 4 (4 C=O).

In summary, HOOC-COOH has 6 sigma (σ) bonds and 4 pi (π) bonds.