At the same store, Peter bought 2 pairs of pants and 5 shirts for $61, and jissica bought 3 pairs of pants and 2 shirts for $64. How much does 1 pair of pants cost?

~Please explain this problem to me

maybe you add up the pant snd shirts for peter then divide that by 7 then add 3 plus 2 and divide that by 64 and I don't know what else to do I can try to solve

You can solve this using a system of linear equations, I will use variables p for pants, and s for shirts. You are given:

2p + 5s = 61 call this (row 1)
3p + 2s = 64 call this (row 2)
You can solve for a single variable by subtracting the rows from each other to eliminate a variable. By taking 3(row 1) - 2(row 2), gives
6p + 15s = 183
-6p + 4s = 128
As you can see the pants variable goes to zero leaving 11s = 55. Solving for s gives $5 per shirt. Plugging back in and solving for p into either row 1 or 2 will give you the price of pants being $18.
You can verify by plugging these numbers back into the equation.

i am sure some where you do division but that is all i can help with sorry

To solve this problem, we need to set up a system of equations and then solve for the cost of 1 pair of pants.

Let's assume the cost of 1 pair of pants is "x" dollars. Given this assumption, we can now set up the equations based on the information provided in the problem:

For Peter:
2 pairs of pants + 5 shirts = $61
2x + 5y = 61 where y represents the cost of 1 shirt

For Jessica:
3 pairs of pants + 2 shirts = $64
3x + 2y = 64

Now we have a system of equations. We can solve it by either substitution or elimination.

Let's use the elimination method. Multiply the first equation by 2 and the second equation by 5 to make the coefficients of "y" equal in both equations:

4x + 10y = 122
15x + 10y = 320

Now subtract the first equation from the second equation:

(15x + 10y) - (4x + 10y) = 320 - 122
11x = 198

Divide both sides by 11 to isolate "x":

x = 198 / 11
x ≈ 18

Therefore, 1 pair of pants costs approximately $18.