Dicot is to two seed leaves as blank is to one seed leaf.


Vascular plant is to horsetail as _________

is to liverwort.

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Dicot is to two seed leaves as Monocot is to one seed leaf.

To understand this analogy, we need to break down the terms. Dicot and Monocot are terms used to classify flowering plants based on the number of seed leaves, or cotyledons, present in their seeds. The cotyledons are the embryonic leaves within a seed that provide nutrients to the developing plant before it can start photosynthesis.

Dicot plants, also known as dicotyledons, have two seed leaves or cotyledons. Some examples of dicots include roses, sunflowers, and tomatoes.

Monocot plants, also known as monocotyledons, have one seed leaf or cotyledon. Some examples of monocots include grasses, orchids, and lilies.

So, in the given analogy, the blank that completes the statement is "Monocot" since dicot is to two seed leaves as monocot is to one seed leaf.