Studies conducted in England during the Industrial Revolution have shown that children born to poor families were, on average, shorter than those born to wealthier parents. The most likely explanation for this difference in height is a difference in

1. nutrition

2. x-linked dominant
3. ...cows that produce most milk and breeds only...
4. increasing the amount of crop harvested
5. zygote
6. the developing embryo does not dry out
7. Carry hereditary material...
8. 50
9. ...has the nutrients and light it needs...
10. ...the hummingbird must stick its head in the flower...
11. Animals eat the cherries which help disperse...
12. Black square + half white half black = full white
13. Angiosperm
14. Courtship ritual
15. Umbilical cord
16. Use the BrokenAngel’s answers
17. See 16
18. See 17

whoops. broken angels answers are

Spores grow into a plant called a gametophyte. A gametophyte produces gametes, or eggs and sperm. Gametes fuse to make a fertilized egg, or zygote. The zygote grows into a sporophyte, which produces spores and start a new cycle all over again.

17. The genotype of a daughter must be XHXH. Because she inherits one X chromosome from her mother and another from her father, each parent must have an X chromosome with the mutated gene. Since the father has only one X chromosome, his genotype must be XHY. The sun, who does not have the disease, has the genotype XHY. Since his father passed him the The genotype of a daughter must be XHXH. Because she inherits one X chromosome from her mother and another from her father, each parent must have an X chromosome with the mutated gene. Since the father has only one X chromosome, his genotype must be XHY. The son, who does not have the disease, has a genotype XHY. Since his father passed him the X Y chromosome, his mother must have allele that is not mutated. Therefore the mothers genotype must be XHXH.

18. Internal fertilization occurs inside the female’s body. X ternal fertilization occurs outside the female’s body. The advantage of X ternal fertilization is that many eggs can be fertilized at the same time, possibly resulting in more offspring’s. However gametes May also be washed away during external fertilization, resulting in few were fertilized eggs. Predators May also eat gametes before they can develop. A disadvantage of internal fertilization is that fewer eggs can be fertilized and offsprings generally require more time to develop.

Its A

100 gecs, more like 100%. I got a 12 out of 12. The essay's need to be graded though. Thanks

is 100 gets still correct

Teachers know about this site. If you copy this information you will get in trouble. Use your lessons.

@Angie nah we came to cheat because the school sex education everywhere is lgbt phobic and basically shoves the cishet agenda down children’s throats. Sry for the TERF war esc vibes but let’s be real, this is 7th grade. What will we learn that we actually will need in the real world.

I'm just gonna say this, not everyone is using the checking answers as an excuse some really are some aren't. But there is just no way to tell if they're lying or not, so don't just assume everyone who says that is lying and then yell at them.


just submit it and then tell us what u got