Which word or phrase below best describes the function of the urinary bladder?

Storage tank
Help me please i am trying to check my test and make sure all the answers are right

Storage tank

To determine the correct answer, let's review the function of the urinary bladder.

The urinary bladder is an organ that plays a crucial role in the excretory system. Its main function is to store urine until it can be voluntarily released from the body through the process of urination.

Now, let's examine the options provided:

1. Filter: The urinary bladder does not filter substances or waste products. Filtering is primarily performed by the kidneys.

2. Storage tank: This option accurately describes the function of the urinary bladder. It holds the urine until it can be expelled.

3. Blender: The urinary bladder is not involved in blending or mixing any fluids or substances.

4. Passageway: This option does not accurately reflect the primary function of the urinary bladder. While urine passes through the bladder during the process of elimination, its main function is storage rather than acting as a dedicated passageway.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer appears to be "Storage tank."