how do you find the Fnet of 3 planets? do i find the forces of all the planets on each other and add it up? what if teh planets are at an angled position?

1000 kg car is going clockwise around a curve iwth radius of 30m. coefficient of frction=0.5
if the road was banded at an angle what would happen to the speed required or the radius of the curve? explain.

answer whatever you can.

To find the net force (F_net) acting on multiple planets, you need to calculate the gravitational forces between each pair of planets and add them vectorially. The equation for gravitational force between two masses (M1 and M2) is given by Newton's law of universal gravitation: F = (G * M1 * M2) / r^2, where G is the gravitational constant and r is the distance between the centers of the two masses.

If the planets are at an angled position, you would need to consider the vector components of each gravitational force. Resolve the gravitational forces into their horizontal and vertical components using trigonometry. Then add up the horizontal and vertical components separately to obtain the net force in each direction. Finally, combine the horizontal and vertical components to find the resultant net force.

Regarding the second question about the car going around a curved road with a coefficient of friction of 0.5, if the road was banked at an angle, it would affect the speed required or the radius of the curve. When a road is banked, the angle of the bank provides an inward component of the normal force, which reduces the amount of friction needed to keep the car moving in a circle.

If the road is banked at an angle, the speed required to go around the curve would decrease. This is because the gravitational force component perpendicular to the road would provide some of the required centripetal force, reducing the reliance on friction alone. Thus, the car could maintain the same radius of curvature at a lower speed.

Alternatively, if the speed is constant, the radius of the curve would increase. This is because the car experiences a greater inward gravitational force component, which reduces the need for a larger centripetal force from friction. Consequently, the car can go around curves with a larger radius while maintaining the same speed.

It is important to note that these explanations are based on simplified assumptions and there may be additional factors involved in real-world scenarios.