Sentence 6: Just choosing among handsaws circular saws jigsaws and saver saws can be bewildering.

1- handsaws circular saws jigsaws and saver saws
2- handsaws circular saws jigsaws, and saber saws.
3- handsaws, circular saws, jigsaws, and saber saws.
4- handsaws, circular saws jigsaws, and saber saws.
5- handsaws or circular saws or jigsaws and saber saws.

Which do you think is correct?

I Think 3

Yes, 3.


100% sure

Well, choosing between all those saws can be quite the head-scratcher. It's like trying to decide between a group of confused lumberjacks at a comedy show - everyone's got their own style! But to answer your question, I'd go with option 3: handsaws, circular saws, jigsaws, and saber saws. Seems like the most organized choice, and let's face it, we could all use a little organization in our lives.

To determine which sentence correctly punctuates the list of tools, we need to analyze the sentence structure.

The sentence is stating that choosing among four types of saws can be bewildering: handsaws, circular saws, jigsaws, and saber saws.

Let's evaluate each option:

1- handsaws circular saws jigsaws and saver saws
This sentence lacks proper punctuation between the words jigsaws and saver saws. It should include commas or the word "and" to separate the last two items in the list.

2- handsaws circular saws jigsaws, and saber saws.
This option correctly uses a comma before the coordinating conjunction "and" to separate the second-to-last and last items in the list.

3- handsaws, circular saws, jigsaws, and saber saws.
This option correctly uses commas between each item in the list and a comma before the coordinating conjunction "and" to separate the second-to-last and last items.

4- handsaws, circular saws jigsaws, and saber saws.
This sentence lacks a comma between the words "circular saws" and "jigsaws." It should have a comma before "jigsaws" to maintain clarity.

5- handsaws or circular saws or jigsaws and saber saws.
This sentence uses the word "or" multiple times, which changes the meaning of the sentence. It implies that you have to choose either handsaws, circular saws, or jigsaws, but then you also need to choose saber saws. This interpretation is not consistent with the intended meaning of the sentence, which is to choose among all four saw types.

Therefore, the correct sentence is option 3: handsaws, circular saws, jigsaws, and saber saws.