I'm not very good at speaking and i'm speaking exam is very soon idk what to talk about! can someone suggest me a topic to talk about

Choose something you know about.

Choose something that you are interested in AND that you think might be made interesting to your audience. An esoteric topic like, for example, the various ways of making paper might be rather dull to most people (unless you can find a "hook" to make it interesting).

Sometimes a good way to find a topic is to start with a quotation such as, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." Build on that (or some such adage or quotation) to make three points about it, pro or con (or both).

Keep in mind that when writing a speech, no more than three points should be made. The audience will, most likely, not remember more than three. You need an introduction to tell them what you are going to tell them, then make your points, and a summary to restate the three points (in brief). So, three points, stated three times. :)

Of course! When selecting a topic for your speaking exam, it's essential to choose something that genuinely interests you. This will make it easier to talk about and keep you engaged throughout the conversation. Here's a step-by-step guide to finding a topic:

1. Brainstorm your interests: Start by making a list of things you enjoy, such as hobbies, sports, books, movies, or music. Think about why you find each of these topics engaging.

2. Narrow it down: Review your list and choose a few topics you feel confident discussing. Consider the ones you have extensive knowledge about or are passionate about. It's important to select something with enough depth to sustain a conversation.

3. Research and gather information: Once you have chosen a topic, invest some time in researching it. Look for interesting facts, recent developments, or relevant examples related to your chosen subject. This will help enrich your discussion.

4. Organize your thoughts: Develop a clear structure for your presentation. Think about the introduction, main points, and a conclusion. You could consider including personal anecdotes, statistical data, or quotes from experts to support your ideas.

5. Practice speaking: Take the time to practice speaking about your chosen topic. Start by jotting down key points and elaborating on them. Practice speaking out loud, either in front of a mirror or with a friend. This will help you improve your fluency, pronunciation, and confidence.

Remember, the purpose of the speaking exam is not only to demonstrate your language skills but also to showcase your ability to express yourself clearly and coherently. By selecting a topic that interests you and following these steps, you will be well-prepared to engage in an interesting and thoughtful conversation. Good luck!