Help on Design a class named StockTransaction that holds a stock symbol (typically one to four characters), stock

name, number of shares traded, and price per share. Include methods to set and get the values for each
data field.

Create the class diagram using UMLet and write the pseudocode that defines the class?

To design the class "StockTransaction" and create the class diagram using UMLet, you can follow these steps:

1. Open UMLet (if you don't have UMLet, you can download it from the official website).
2. In UMLet, create a new class diagram.
3. Add a class to the diagram and name it "StockTransaction".
4. Add the following attributes to the class "StockTransaction":
- stockSymbol: String
- stockName: String
- numSharesTraded: int
- pricePerShare: double

5. Add the following methods to the class "StockTransaction":
- setStockSymbol(symbol: String): void
- getStockSymbol(): String
- setStockName(name: String): void
- getStockName(): String
- setNumSharesTraded(numShares: int): void
- getNumSharesTraded(): int
- setPricePerShare(price: double): void
- getPricePerShare(): double

6. Connect the methods to the corresponding attributes with appropriate associations.

Once you have completed the class diagram, you can write pseudocode to define the class "StockTransaction" based on the diagram. Here's an example of pseudocode:

class StockTransaction:
// Attributes
stockSymbol: String
stockName: String
numSharesTraded: int
pricePerShare: double

// Methods
method setStockSymbol(symbol: String):
stockSymbol = symbol

method getStockSymbol():
return stockSymbol

method setStockName(name: String):
stockName = name

method getStockName():
return stockName

method setNumSharesTraded(numShares: int):
numSharesTraded = numShares

method getNumSharesTraded():
return numSharesTraded

method setPricePerShare(price: double):
pricePerShare = price

method getPricePerShare():
return pricePerShare

This pseudocode defines the class "StockTransaction" and its attributes and methods as mentioned in the class diagram.