what kind of energy does a soccer player transfer to the ball?

1) kinetic
2) potential
3) sound
4) chemical

I think #1 kinetic

Thank you.

It's answer #2: potential energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy that the ball acquires when it's moving.

Hmmm....I think its Kenetic also Try that and see what you get ok.

In this case, I think A.

You are correct! When a soccer player kicks the ball, they transfer kinetic energy to it. Kinetic energy is the energy of an object due to its motion. In this case, the soccer player's leg is in motion, and as they make contact with the ball, the kinetic energy from their leg is transferred to the ball, causing it to move. So, the correct answer is indeed #1, kinetic energy. Well done!

Kinetic: Ball falls and bounces

Potential: Ball in air

what the correct answer

It’s A

right! thanks the kid,🤭💋👌😘

this is sicence not ss