1.33dm³ of water at 70°c are saturated by 2.25moles of Pb(NO3)2, and 1.33dm³ of water at 18°c are saturated by 0.53mole of the same salt. If 4.50dm³ of the saturated solution are cooled from 70°c to 18°c.calculate the amount of solute that will be deposited in a). Moles b) grams. (Pb=207,N=14,O=16)

1.33dm3 of water at 70°C = 2.25moles of Pb(NO3)2 and 4.5dm3 of water contains x moles of the salt, by calculation, x=7.62 moles..likewise at 18°C, 1.33dm3 of water contains 0.53 moles of the same salt and at 4.5dm3 of water, it contains x..x is 4.5x0.53/1.33=1.79moles...so when the salt is cooled from 70°C to 18°C, the amount of salt deposited would be 7.62 - 1.79= 5.83moles..so 5.83 moles is the amount of salt that would be deposited when the saturated solution is cooled from 70°C to 18°C..then for b,no of mole=mass/molar mass..molar mass of the salt is 331, then the equivalent mass would be 5.83×331=1929.73g

This is extremely fantastic. I love it,but can you rexplain

How much Pb(NO3)2 is contained in the 4.5 dm^ at 70 C? That's

2.25 mols x 4.5/1.33 = approx 7.5 but you need a more accurate number.
Now you have 4.5 dm^3 containing about 7.5 mols Pb(NO3)2 at 70 C. You cool it to 18 C where the solubility is lower. How much can that 4.5 cm^3 hold at the lower temperature? That's
0.53 x 4.5/1.33 = about 1.8 or so; again you need a more accurate number. How much will come out of solution? It started with about 7.5 mols in solution. It ends with about 1.8 mols in solution. The difference comes out of solution or 7.5-1.8 = ? mols precipitated. Convert to grams for part b.

I don't understand how you got that x=7.62 pls explain more am very confused 🤔😕

I don't understand

Sure, I'll explain it in more detail.

First, we're given that 1.33 dm³ of water at 70°C is saturated with 2.25 moles of Pb(NO₃)₂. This means that the solution is holding the maximum amount of solute (Pb(NO₃)₂) that it can at that temperature and volume of water.

Next, we're asked to find out how much solute (Pb(NO₃)₂) can be held in 4.5 dm³ of water at 70°C. We can use the following formula:

moles of solute1/volume of solvent1 = moles of solute2/volume of solvent2

We know that moles of solute1 is 2.25 and volume of solvent1 is 1.33 dm³ (given in the problem). We're being asked to find moles of solute2, given that volume of solvent2 is 4.5 dm³. Plugging in the numbers, we get:

2.25 moles/1.33 dm³ = moles of solute2/4.5 dm³

Solving for moles of solute2, we get:

moles of solute2 = 2.25 moles/1.33 dm³ x 4.5 dm³ = 7.62 moles

So, at 70°C, 4.5 dm³ of water can hold a maximum of 7.62 moles of Pb(NO₃)₂.

Now, we need to find out how much solute (Pb(NO₃)₂) will be deposited when the solution is cooled from 70°C to 18°C. We're given that 1.33 dm³ of water at 18°C is saturated with 0.53 moles of Pb(NO₃)₂. Using the same formula as before, we can find out how much solute (Pb(NO₃)₂) can be held in 4.5 dm³ of water at 18°C:

0.53 moles/1.33 dm³ = moles of solute2/4.5 dm³

Solving for moles of solute2, we get:

moles of solute2 = 0.53 moles/1.33 dm³ x 4.5 dm³ = 1.79 moles

So, at 18°C, 4.5 dm³ of water can hold a maximum of 1.79 moles of Pb(NO₃)₂.

The solubility of Pb(NO₃)₂ decreases with decreasing temperature, so when the solution is cooled from 70°C to 18°C, some of the Pb(NO₃)₂ will come out of solution and be deposited as a solid. The amount of Pb(NO₃)₂ that comes out of solution is equal to the difference between the amount of Pb(NO₃)₂ in the solution at 70°C (7.62 moles) and the amount of Pb(NO₃)₂ that can be held in the solution at 18°C (1.79 moles):

amount of Pb(NO₃)₂ deposited = 7.62 moles - 1.79 moles = 5.83 moles

Finally, to find the mass of Pb(NO₃)₂ deposited, we can use the following formula:

mass = moles x molar mass

The molar mass of Pb(NO₃)₂ is 331 g/mol (207 g/mol for Pb, 14 g/mol for N, and 3 x 16 g/mol for O). Plugging in the numbers, we get:

mass = 5.83 moles x 331 g/mol = 1929.73 g

So the amount of Pb(NO₃)₂ that will be deposited when the saturated solution is cooled from 70°C to 18°C is 5.83 moles, or 1929.73 grams.

I understand now tnx

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Ok NAME pls

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